The SNP has said that Scotland must not pay the price of a bitter Tory leadership contest that could see Scotland consigned to a Brexit outcome that would be the “worst of both worlds.”
Responding to the Tory leadership results that will see Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt go head to head to become Prime Minister, Ian Blackford MP warned that both candidates pledged to drag Scotland and the UK out of the EU without a deal – which would be catastrophic for public services, jobs and people’s living standards.
Both candidates also plan to deny the people of Scotland their democratic right to decide our own future – a position that will quickly become unsustainable.
A YouGov poll earlier this week also showed that 61% of Tories are willing to inflict significant damage to the economy to deliver Brexit, and a majority of Conservative and Unionist members (63%) would be willing to see Scotland leave the UK in order to deliver Brexit.
The SNP’s Westminster leader, Ian Blackford MP said:
“The toxic Tory leadership contest has confirmed beyond doubt that the threat to Scotland is growing as the Tories lurch further to the extremes.
“Scotland must not pay the price of a petty and bitter leadership battle that could see Scotland consigned to a Brexit outcome that would be the worst of both worlds.
“Crashing out of the EU without a deal would be catastrophic for our public services, jobs and people’s living standards.
“The selection of Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt is yet another sign that the Tory party is intent on pushing Scotland and the UK towards the Brexit abyss, and increase the prospect of an impending economic disaster.
“Rather than looking to find a way to end the Brexit impasse, both the Tory candidates are intent on pandering to the Brexit Party as they debate who can deliver the most damaging and destructive version of Brexit.
“And with Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt lining up to tell the people of Scotland what they can and cannot do, the SNP is clear that Scotland’s future will be decided only by the people of Scotland.
“The people of Scotland deserve the choice of a better future than the Brexit shambles offered by Westminster and the Tory leadership horror show. Support for Scotland taking its place as an independent European nation is on the rise and is only set to increase further – regardless of who the new Tory PM is.”