Research by the SNP has found the two Tory candidates to become the next Prime Minister have far more in common than they’d like you to know – voting the same way on 98% of issues in Westminster over recent years.
Both Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson have committed to deliver a no-deal Brexit that promises to wipe out jobs and businesses and hammer household incomes in Scotland.
But the pair have also teamed up to pass devastating cuts to welfare support for disabled and ill claimants, vote in favour of harsh caps on the housing benefit received by working families and give the green light to laws stripping the right for EU nationals to remain in their homes.
Their voting record also includes:
- 2015: Both voted to reduce the household benefit cap, freeze the rate of working-age benefits and reduce the number of social rents in England.
- 2015: Both voted against allowing those aged sixteen and seventeen to vote in the EU referendum.
- 2016: Both voted against giving asylum seekers permission to work if a decision on their application is extended.
- 2016: Both voted for reductions in benefits for disabled and ill claimants – and required them to participate in activities intended to increase their chances of obtaining work.
- 2016: Both voted to support replacing the four Trident nuclear missile submarines, maintaining weapons of mass destruction in Scotland against the wishes of a majority of Scotland’s MSPs and MPs.
- 2017: Both voted to remove the rights of EU citizens and their family members who were lawfully resident in the UK.
- 2018: Both voted to bypass the Scottish Parliament on the EU Withdrawal Bill.
Commenting, SNP MSP Gail Ross said:
“Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt are two peas in a pod – voting alongside one another at almost every opportunity to inflict a decade of damaging austerity.
“Jeremy Hunt would have you believe that he’s the polar opposite of Boris Johnson – but it’s just a wafer thin façade.
“The reality is that they’re carbon copy hard-line Tories – both voting to impose cold, cruel and heartless policies.
“They were happy to sit side by side while their party slashed the incomes of working families, stripped the rights of EU citizens and brought the NHS to its knees.
“Neither Jeremy Hunt nor Boris Johnson is fit to be Prime Minister. People deserve better than this dangerous double act – it’s time for Scotland to decide its own future.”