The SNP has warned that “unelected Boris Johnson is leading an undemocratic Tory government” closer towards throwing Scotland’s public services, jobs and people’s livelihoods under the red bus, as the threat of a no-deal Brexit grows.

Following a meeting between European Commission officials and diplomats from the other 27 EU members states, a senior EU diplomat revealed that “It was clear UK does not have another plan,” and that, “A no deal now appears to be the UK government’s central scenario.”

The SNP has consistently warned that there is no such thing as a good Brexit, and that crashing out of the EU without a deal is an entirely avoidable, costly policy which will cost thousands of jobs, harm living standards and hit small and large businesses.

Last week, Ian Blackford, the SNP’s Westminster leader, wrote to all opposition Westminster party leaders calling for an urgent cross-party summit to put the brakes on Boris Johnson’s drive towards a catastrophic no-deal exit.

The latest comments from the EU come off the back of a Lord Ashcroft poll published yesterday which shows that 52% of Scots back independence, with a majority favouring a referendum before 2021.

The SNP has pointed to the figures as evidence of the growing case for independence, making Tory threats over withholding the powers that Scotland needs to hold a referendum “completely unsustainable”.

Commenting, Ian Blackford MP said:

“The latest briefings from EU officials confirms that unelected Boris Johnson is leading an undemocratic Tory government closer towards throwing Scotland’s public services, jobs and people’s livelihoods under his red bus.

“Rather than working with our EU partners to remove the threat of a no-deal Brexit, the Tory leader is instead pursuing an entirely avoidable policy – wasting billions of pounds of taxpayers’ cash.

“It is unsurprising then that the case for Scottish independence grows stronger by the day. The Lord Ashcroft poll – which shows that 52% of Scots back independence, with a majority favouring a referendum before 2021 – makes clear that there is a better choice on offer than the broken Westminster system.

“That broken project is being led by Boris Johnson — a Prime Minister Scotland didn’t elect and who has no mandate to tear Scotland out of Europe.

“The SNP Scottish Government, by contrast, has a very clear mandate from the people of Scotland — to give them the choice of a better future with independence.

“It would be a democratic outrage for any Tory government to deny that, and the poll shows such an anti-democratic position is completely unsustainable.”

Brexit latest: SNP call for cross-party opposition leaders’ summit in bid to stop no-deal:

EU officials: No basis for further UK Brexit talks

Full data tables for Lord Ashcroft poll is available here –