Many organisations are coming out of the woodwork and claiming that 2 websites are shining the light on sharp legal practices to steal estates from wealthy probate estates.
Both websites have had recent DOS attacks and hacks so its plain we are having the effect that this is a massive industry and its hurting their bottom lines.
It very much looks like we have to create a new website so all organisations and victims of Dementia fraud can come together and name and shame law firms, courts, undervaluing RICS surveyors, doctors, nursing homes and even hospitals.
We will be the webmasters and SEO specialists ONLY and we will provide a rock solid legally fit disclaimer that all registered users are responsible for their own comments, views or reviews but more than even trust pilot provides.
We initially just thought this was a simple case of lawyers just not being very good at what they do and courts turning a blind eye to protect their firms but its much more than that and has to stop.
The latest organisation to reach out to us has been some representatives of the U3A organisation who says our news releases and video’s are really joining the dots in what could easily be made into a toolkit to dementia fraud which according to many the greatest industry post-covid 19 business model.
We are not at all saying our recent stories is deliberate Dementia fraud as BLM Law only took over the probate after Bartlett’s of Chester was removed as executer but then again BLM claims they have a zero tolerance on all kinds of fraud except as it seems when they themselves are practising it to the point where courts can look after their interests no-more, it has to stop now.
When yesterdays latest story was released our email bags are full of victims telling us that’s exactly what happened to them without fully understanding the mechanic’s behind it all, it seems we have joined all or most of the dots.
If and when we launch this new website, the lawyers cant complain neither can the courts, RICS should be over-joyed perhaps the only ones hating it all will be the solicitors useless regulators the SRA that only goes after small fry to make it look like they are doing something or if the little firms go after the big boys one reason the beneficiaries of our recent true life stories cant get proper legal representation at various times because they are warned not to shows just how well planned this type of legal fraud really is?
More on this story here.
Please see this great website full of what many victims have discovered as what may have happened to them over very many years that has many of the players as described go after very rich individual’s and the families of these deceased left with nothing its shameful and its coming to an end one way or another.
New dots are being joined all the time we would love to here of your own victim statements and you could send your story to us at
We are now back checking and researching more BLM Law casefiles, there might be a pattern developing here, we really hope not!