Shock and Horror when we find out today that a one year long investigation by RICS on one of their own that managed to undervalue a property by nearly 300% still has not been interviewed is quite frankly shocking in 2022!
There was a huge clear-out last year at RICS management last year due to fears of alleged mass corruption and this saga has the hall-marks of yet another RICS cover-up to protect their own.
We can’t name the investigation officer but we will soon but what a shock today when we spoke to him about a chartered surveyor that somehow managed to value a property 62 miles away from his office that never even knew he was there of course that’s what we think as well!
He then gives a low valuation of 345k when the local agents claims its 800-1m shows a mega mistake or mass fraud and even after 1 full year of investigations RICS admits today they have not even spoke to him or ask any questions what’s-so-ever baffles everyone.
Even a dodgy Liverpool high court judge threw out the valuation after poor James Beresford stated the Doctored document was false and even after all that the RICS investigation team does nothing at all, so far?
How earth can anyone trust RICS they have a gold charter and a royal seal, yes even prince Andrew got his titles removed, we think its time the same happened to RICS?
More on this story here.
and here