How to get free Bitcoins is very easy if you know how and International Scotland will show you how easy it is to get on the bitcoin, altcoin wagon.

Almost everyone wants to be part of the action as banks are losing their market hold on all of us and bitcoin is out of reach of us all as 1 bitcoin as recently passed $30,000.


But we can still get her hands on a smaller piece of the pie by trading just £50 or $75 buying altcoins like Swissborg, Swissborg is also one of the few registers that only charges 1% fees for buying leaving you £49.50 to spend on any altcoin you like and there’s thousands to chose from.

Now we are not regulated to offer this advice but lets just say making money is much easier than trying to win the lotto jackpot and a lot more fun!

Only invest what you can afford to lose as investments go up as well as down so for 50 pounds or more stakes split it into £10 investments to start with.

some very cheap altcoins have massive 1 day spikes of 50% or more but the link we will give puts a secure app on your phone that gives real time cash outs or buy ins within a few seconds plus on Swissborg every time you log in it gives your balance updated every 5 seconds keeping you in total control.

Once you get the hang of it its a great way to earn money and be in control, Swissborg is said to rise to 10 bucks within a year today it went up 14% in value in 24 hours for one coin its around 58 cents each so for a 50 quid stake you get 115 coins.

Around the same level with bitcoin started they all said it was doomed to failure yeh right!

If you use this link here for your first 50 pounds investment just follow the onscreen instructions its simple and very secure you will get a scratch-card worth up to 100 euros in free bitcoins that you can cash in or trade straight away its up to you and if you don’t like it cash in your entire holding anytime you want chances are though you will be in profit when you do and there’s loads of resources you can follow your investments on.

 We buy loads of small stakes because a few will breakout and become the next bitcoin for sure!

HOW TO GET FREE BITCOINS? Please follow this link and only stake what you can afford to lose and have fun.