This is just the next instalment in the probate case that Beresford and Pritchard has managed to cock up or to defend Bartlett’s of Chester the first removed executers of the Late Mavis Banks estate in Chester.
Please answer the following questions under the FOI. (Sent to the Northwest Constabulary, Preston.
1 Why does Lancashire Constabulary Police have a full-time Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) member of staff?
The person in question is RICS member A. L member-detail-page/0075482/
2. What job does A. L do at the police?
3. If in the past a member of police staff was found doing price fixing e.g stating in an official report a property was 345,000 when it was worth a million which is Fraud what actions would be taken? This is what AL did
3.1 How & to who do you report this to?
4. How would this crime be investigated?
5. How long would it take to be investigated?
6. If other police detectives were found involved in the fraud who would investigate this crime?
7. What pre-investigation goes into staff before they work for the police
8. How much does Andrew Lovatt (AL) get paid?
9. If AL did an RICS report which was fraud would he be removed from his job?
10. What involvement does the Police and AL have with the following
11. Detective Sergeant Nomdedeu (N)
12. Detective Chief Inspector Michael Ankers (MA)
13. With P Bartlett (PB) & Woodside Chester or Manchester
14. Alex Horner (AH) of Matthews estate agent Chester
15. BLM law Manchester
16. James Beresford (JB) of BLM Manchester
17. Charlotte Pritchard (CP) of Manchester
The person in question is RICS member A. L
2. What job does A. L do at the police?
3. If in the past a member of police staff was found doing price fixing e.g stating in an official report a property was 345,000 when it was worth a million which is Fraud what actions would be taken? This is what AL did
3.1 How & to who do you report this to?
4. How would this crime be investigated?
5. How long would it take to be investigated?
6. If other police detectives were found involved in the fraud who would investigate this crime?
7. What pre-investigation goes into staff before they work for the police
8. How much does Andrew Lovatt (AL) get paid?
9. If AL did an RICS report which was fraud would he be removed from his job?
10. What involvement does the Police and AL have with the following
11. Detective Sergeant Nomdedeu (N)
12. Detective Chief Inspector Michael Ankers (MA)
13. With P Bartlett (PB) & Woodside Chester or Manchester
14. Alex Horner (AH) of Matthews estate agent Chester
15. BLM law Manchester
16. James Beresford (JB) of BLM Manchester
17. Charlotte Pritchard (CP) of Manchester
17.1 How are bent lawyers investigated who are also involved in the cover up of murder and fraud?
18. Andy T of SDL auctions Manchester
19. Antony Singer
20. Lydia Powdrill
21. Peter Robinson & Co
22. Charles Parker Bennett of Preston
23. Parkinson Real estates Manchester
24. SDL auctions
25. Do you know of any link to Dr Bland?
26. Do you know of any link to Barbara Dunbavand?
18. Andy T of SDL auctions Manchester
19. Antony Singer
20. Lydia Powdrill
21. Peter Robinson & Co
22. Charles Parker Bennett of Preston
23. Parkinson Real estates Manchester
24. SDL auctions
25. Do you know of any link to Dr Bland?
26. Do you know of any link to Barbara Dunbavand?
26.1 BD who died strangely said the coroner (R) and BD did the accounts for the wealth and business in Chester.
27. Do you know Dr Andrew Dunbavand?
28. Do you know of any link to Nicholas Rheinberg (R)?
29. What does Simon Gray Detective Sergeant 2857 do?
30. Is Andrew Lovatt under RICS investigation?
31. James Beresford has said Andrew Lovatt valuation for 32 Hoole Road is wrong.
Also, RICS state Andrew Lovatt report on 32 Hoole Road is wrong.
And Bartlett said 32 Hoole road was the value of 450,000 in 2015 but his office in Hoole is near to the almost identical building of 32 Hoole Road which he would have known was worth 770,000.
27. Do you know Dr Andrew Dunbavand?
28. Do you know of any link to Nicholas Rheinberg (R)?
29. What does Simon Gray Detective Sergeant 2857 do?
30. Is Andrew Lovatt under RICS investigation?
31. James Beresford has said Andrew Lovatt valuation for 32 Hoole Road is wrong.
Also, RICS state Andrew Lovatt report on 32 Hoole Road is wrong.
And Bartlett said 32 Hoole road was the value of 450,000 in 2015 but his office in Hoole is near to the almost identical building of 32 Hoole Road which he would have known was worth 770,000.
And in 2021 James Beresford states the 32 Hoole road building is 450,000 in Tax & other paperwork but lies about the fact many estate agents state it is worth over 800,000. Also in a Subject Access Request (SAR) he ignored two buyers for 32 Hoole road for a million and lied to the court saying he contacted them which they said he did not in court papers.
32. The report by Andrew Lovatt is a fraud as the report states internal valuation for the sale of 32 Hoole Road done by AL, but the report misses original movement (no-longer active but can be seen in the wall) and the cellar has a live well.
33. Why does the police not report this fraud as it holds AL signature on court papers for alleged price-fixing?
34. Why does Michael Ankers (MA) use P. Bartlett of Chester who was done by March the 6th in 2006 by the Law Society File No 8751-2003 see attachment PB-8751.03.pdf (1,512K). By law, PB should not be allowed near Wills or the elderly.
34. Why does Michael Ankers use P. Bartlett (PB) when in the Dec 2019 court case a court-appointed expert said it was true my mother was hit by Woodside who works for Bartlett (PB) and this was done to rob and steal her home.
34.2 And many others have the same problems with P. Bartlett (PB) but still, Michael Ankers (MA) use this lawyer.
35. Why does Michael Ankers use P. Bartlett (controls Wills) and Alex Horner, who told 30 Hoole Road their mother’s property is 400,000 when the building is semi-detached and the other half has been listed for sale for 740,000? (around the same time) And this semi-detached is half the size of 32 Hoole Road which Bartlett tried to say was 450,000 etc It is said to be price-fixing. And done to many.
And Bartlett in 2015 said in Tax forms there were 100,000 debts to M Bank’s estate (my mother-MB), but after 5 years and court order it was shown in 2015 Bartlett knew the real bill was 10,000 but James Beresford does not report this and other issues.
35.1 And Michale Anker a chief of police, has used the same lawyer for 6 years knowing all of this.
35.2 Also 30 Hoole Road also states her mother’s will was changed like my mother said.
35.3 And in my mother’s case Michael Ankers gains from this.
36. And PB and AH are linked to other buildings which valuations by them do not make sense but others say are price-fixing.
37. Can you explain how my mother’s (Mavis Banks-MB. DoB 22 June 1929 DoD 14 3 2015) inquest tape which was an Article 2 inquest and recorded and should be for the public to access is not being made available other than the following reasons to cover up corruption? 1) Dr Bland struck off in 2018 and lied at the inquest with Dr N 2) Pollice detective N lied etc 3) From 2007 MA ran the police investigation of elderly abuse his statement in the 2019 court case Dec Liverpool when he was there with PB lawyer.
32. The report by Andrew Lovatt is a fraud as the report states internal valuation for the sale of 32 Hoole Road done by AL, but the report misses original movement (no-longer active but can be seen in the wall) and the cellar has a live well.
33. Why does the police not report this fraud as it holds AL signature on court papers for alleged price-fixing?
34. Why does Michael Ankers (MA) use P. Bartlett of Chester who was done by March the 6th in 2006 by the Law Society File No 8751-2003 see attachment PB-8751.03.pdf (1,512K). By law, PB should not be allowed near Wills or the elderly.
34. Why does Michael Ankers use P. Bartlett (PB) when in the Dec 2019 court case a court-appointed expert said it was true my mother was hit by Woodside who works for Bartlett (PB) and this was done to rob and steal her home.
34.2 And many others have the same problems with P. Bartlett (PB) but still, Michael Ankers (MA) use this lawyer.
35. Why does Michael Ankers use P. Bartlett (controls Wills) and Alex Horner, who told 30 Hoole Road their mother’s property is 400,000 when the building is semi-detached and the other half has been listed for sale for 740,000? (around the same time) And this semi-detached is half the size of 32 Hoole Road which Bartlett tried to say was 450,000 etc It is said to be price-fixing. And done to many.
And Bartlett in 2015 said in Tax forms there were 100,000 debts to M Bank’s estate (my mother-MB), but after 5 years and court order it was shown in 2015 Bartlett knew the real bill was 10,000 but James Beresford does not report this and other issues.
35.1 And Michale Anker a chief of police, has used the same lawyer for 6 years knowing all of this.
35.2 Also 30 Hoole Road also states her mother’s will was changed like my mother said.
35.3 And in my mother’s case Michael Ankers gains from this.
36. And PB and AH are linked to other buildings which valuations by them do not make sense but others say are price-fixing.
37. Can you explain how my mother’s (Mavis Banks-MB. DoB 22 June 1929 DoD 14 3 2015) inquest tape which was an Article 2 inquest and recorded and should be for the public to access is not being made available other than the following reasons to cover up corruption? 1) Dr Bland struck off in 2018 and lied at the inquest with Dr N 2) Pollice detective N lied etc 3) From 2007 MA ran the police investigation of elderly abuse his statement in the 2019 court case Dec Liverpool when he was there with PB lawyer.
38. If MA wife’s mother said in court (2013) she forgot 40,000 of my mother’s money in the Nationwide bank account when I found out she hide this bank account why is it not investigated?
38.1 Who will investigate MA as medical records show my mother saying he robbed her and forced her to sell her home against her wishes cheap to PB.
39. And then my mother was nearly murdered in 2013 at Oakland Nursing home when care was removed from her to cause her death. But the ambulance (report available) I called checked and they found the care home could of save my mother but withheld care from her.
40. And the Chester Police SAR shows no investigations on my mother’s case or any of the other elderly or the relative who reported their mother’s estates being robbed by the same lawyers etc
41. How does the police investigate bent judges. In Liverpool 9 of Aug 2021 the court case does not match the official stamped document.
The judge also would not let me access my mother’s accounts but under law I am allowed to. The judge needs to be removed and investigated.
42. How does the police investigate the Chester law school where future lawyers and judges were black mailed by criminals using underage children etc.
All the above and Beresford and Pritchard of BLM Law sees no RED FLAGS is just shocking then they have even more questions to answer but don’t even try?
Please don’t shoot the messenger this is soon form part of the essential dementia fraud toolkit for the entire country.
28 hoole road vs 32 Hoole road price
My mother’s petition to reopen her inquest is now 2053 signatures.
And we know that the Doctor Bland involved in my mother’s murder was struck off in 2018 as paedophile and part of Paedophile network involving bent cops, bent probate lawyers and…
Also Barbara Dunbavand (BD) my mother’s accountant wanted to help as she knew others with same problems and she died strangely.
Also BD said my mother should have BPR and no 100,000 debts existed…but CP & JB do not talk about this.
And BD husband is Dr D who knew Dr B & Dr N
And all not investigated due to Police detective MA involved