It’s official if you buy a gaming laptop either a G series or Alienware and the Alienware Command Center (AWCC) Fails to work you can’t rely on Dell customer services to help you.

I bought a 5521 SE G-Series 15 Gaming laptop with a 12700H and the RTX 3060 130-140W Version at the end of August 22 and it would be fantastic as I reviewed it on the site here but after the review, I updated the bios and it killed the AWCC-supplied Dell driver and it’s been all downhill ever since.

I reported this to the dell who cares team which stated yeh we are aware of it and that soon there will be an updated AWCC driver that will fix it and all will be fine.

On the 4th of November 2022 Dell did indeed release critical AWCC Drivers but what they never told anyone was if you still can’t get the thermals right you have to go into windows OS and stop the VM – Virtual Machine, but in fact, it’s worse than that.

One having problems also now has to go into the security of their windows settings and disable the integrity memory core.

So in reality dell gaming laptop owners are now being asked to let in all manners of Malware threats just to maybe or perhaps get the thermal control when the first design came off the Dell drawing board.

This makes these laptops prone to burned-out motherboards over the medium to long term which is a nightmare with only 12 months warranty in the UK.

Since the 4th of November all affected customers were asked to contact the who cares community for further assistance they in turn have asked just about any stupid quest they can till they decide if the solution is a product recall or anything that stops the customer from claiming a refund or replacement unit.

In case you are wondering I have tested this fault on all versions of Windows 11 and 10, 10 has a conflict with standard dell drivers at boot up so to get it to run you can tell the Nvidia driver to use only the GPU only but at each boot up you get the broken screen effect to start with. It has something to do with the intel iris video drivers.

The problem is this could be just about every laptop gaming customer that is aware of these thermal/overheating problems.

A simple search engine search for non-working AWCC drivers is everywhere on the web so it’s a huge and still ongoing and current issue.

I have had enough I am now going to claim to my bank the goods are in breach of the 1974 sale of goods act and start a rejection of said faulty goods.

More on the story here,








Spaced out for the search engine bots so links are not too close together.

Don’t only take our word for it they are even worse than I thought read if you dare here.